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Operations Consulting

Supporting BIPOC-led organizations leading social impact initiatives both locally and around the globe


Welcome to Khadya Hale, Online Business Management (OBM for short) – Where Operations Meet Excitement!

We specialize in empowering small BIPOC organizations and nonprofits for impactful social change. Our tailored business operations consulting services include:

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I appreciate you taking the time to visit our “digital” home. As you navigate our website, I hope you leave thinking of us as not only consultants, but partners on your journey to operational excellence and empowerment.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Khadya Hale

Business Ops Magic

Streamline your systems & processes for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Tech Integration Solutions

Navigate the digital landscape with ease through seamless technology integration.

Collaborative Consulting

Tailored solutions crafted through collaboration, ensuring they align with your story.

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to empower and strengthen BIPOC-led organizations driving social impact by providing tailored and strategic business operations consulting. We are committed to fostering sustainable growth, promoting efficiency, and ensuring long-term success for our clients as they strive to make a positive difference in their communities.

We envision a future where BIPOC-led organizations at the forefront of social impact initiatives thrive with unparalleled effectiveness. Our consulting firm aims to be the trusted partner, guiding these organizations towards operational excellence, innovation, and lasting positive change. Through our collaborative efforts, we aspire to contribute to a more equitable and empowered world, where every social impact endeavor achieves its fullest potential.

our values


We empower our clients by providing them with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to enhance their operations and drive meaningful social impact.


We believe in the power of collaboration and work closely with our clients, valuing their insights and actively involving them in the consulting process.


We uphold the highest ethical standards, ensuring transparency, honesty, and accountability in all our interactions and recommendations.


We foster a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging creative and innovative solutions to address the unique challenges faced by BIPOC organizations in the realm of social impact.


We are committed to supporting the long-term sustainability of our clients, guiding them to build resilient operations that can withstand challenges and contribute to lasting positive change.

Get In Touch



Charlotte, NC

Hours of Operation

Mon – Thu: 9am – 6pm ET

Fri & Weekends: Closed